Insect and Snake ID

 While I was up at the Ranch installing our new internet link, I used the Seek App on my phone to help identify some of the insects and a snake I came across.

 Easiest to identify was the Grand Canyon Black Tarantula that was walking along our lane.

I always called this a bombadier beetle, but the Seek App says it is a Pinacate Beetle.

There were quite a few grasshoppers on this trip.  The most common was the Red Shanked Grasshopper.

There were many butterflys, but most of them were too hard to get a snapshot close-up.  I did catch this

Variegated Fritillary Butterfly on my phone camera.

Finally, this Gopher Snake was sunning in the lane.  He was thin, and only about 12 inches long.  He looked young to me.


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