LittleHouse Siding

LittleHouse Siding by admin on May.20, 2008, under Siding Siding Install 17 May 2008. We brought up 16 sheets of Hardi-Board siding to cover half the house. We had a little adventure with losing half of two pieces on I-40 coming up. Fortunately, nobody was near us when that happened. Hardi-Board is a cement fiber board that does not rot in the rain or sun, the way most sheet goods do. It is also highly fire-resistant. It cost about twice as much as T1-11 siding, but we think the reduced maintenance will be worth the extra cost. Here is the south side installed (including replacement of the two panels at the door). The seams will be filled in before we paint, and it should look as good as any house in town. South Siding Siding Install 17 May 2008. South side awaiting trim and paint. Front Siding Siding Install 18 May 2008. Here is a view of the door, after replacing the two pieces of siding that were cut too big. There is a drip ed...