Solar Panel Installation
Solar Panel Installation by rdpecken on Mar.17, 2013, under Electrical Well, Spring is here, and it’s time to get back to work. For Spring Break this year, we came up to install a solar panel on the roof of the LittleHouse. Panels installed We got a pretty late start, because the Ranch had 6-8″ of snow over the weekend, and we didn’t want to fight the muddy roads coming in. I also had some testing to do at work that really couldn’t wait. So we ended up coming up on Wednesday, instead of the normal Saturday arrival. The good part is that the weather was perfect. Highs in the 70’s, lows in the 40’s. Warm, but cloudy sometimes on Friday and Saturday. On Thursday morning, we started planning the install. The first thing we found was that the supplier had shorted us by 4 clamps. So we had to redesign the clamp pattern to accommodate having a few less. I think we still have enough, but it sure gets frustrating. The next setback was my fault. When I ordered the cla...