
Showing posts from May, 2009

LittleHouse Wiring Cont’

  LittleHouse Wiring Cont’ by admin on May.05, 2009, under Electrical After finishing the Bathroom wiring, we started on the Kitchen. We started at the far end of the string, and installed the switchbox first, then started working our way back toward the breaker box from there. One switch for Kitchen Lights, one for Garbage Disposal, two for outdoor lights.   Kitchen Switchbox We finished the South side first.  On this side of the Kitchen we plan to have the sink and possibly a dishwasher, but we haven’t decided on that yet…   Kitchen South Side Next, we moved on the the East Side, where we just plan to have a countertop and the small RV-type hot water heater…   Kitchen East Side And then we moved on to the North side, where we ran out of the 12-2 wire.  So we will have to finish that on the next trip up.  We plan to have the refrigerator and stove and microwave on this side….   Kitchen North Side Finally, we wired up the cei...

LittleHouse Electrical Installation

  LittleHouse Electrical Installation by admin on May.04, 2009, under Electrical We started electrical wiring in the LittleHouse on May 2nd, 2009. Starting in the Bathroom, we were able to get the Bath Wiring finished, and got started on the Kitchen Wiring before we ran out materials.   Bath Switchbox We went to Home Depot to get some electrical supplies before coming out for this trip. While looking for a suitable breaker box, we came across an All-In-One box for $35.00 by Square-D. Since this included five 20-amp breakers, we figured it was a pretty good deal, as the breakers themselves are about $6.00 each…   Panel Box This did not include a main breaker, but we have a trick to get around that. The idea is to use 2 of the breaker positions to actually feed the box from our inverter through a 30-amp dual pole breaker. This will then act as our main breaker, with the rest of the breakers feeding the various circuits. We are also connecting the ...

May Day, 2009 Trip

  May Day, 2009 Trip by admin on May.04, 2009, under Seasons We left Mesa on May Day, 2009 for a quick trip up to the ranch. For this trip, our main project was to touch up the trim paint where it had been peeled off by the masking tape removal. We started out from Mesa at about 09:00 am, and arrived at the Ranch at about 1:00 pm.  The forecast was for rain all Saturday afternoon, so we thought we better get the paint touch up done on Friday.  We were able to finish the painting by about 6:00, and took the rest of the day off. The next day, the rain did not materialize, and we just had a little cooler temperatures (about 65 degrees), and some wind.  In between our other projects, we installed a Game Camera in the meadow.   Game Camera We didn’t capture any photos over the weekend, so we will check it again when we come up at the end of the month. We did however, run into one of the millions of Dung Beetles that we see every year.  I...