LittleHouse – Door Trim and Gable Window
LittleHouse – Door Trim and Gable Window by admin on Apr.20, 2008, under Windows & Doors Sill Flashing 19 April 2008. The first order of business was to trim out the back door. We started by installing flashing under the threshold. This should help prevent any water damage from the outside exposure. Door Flashing Door Trim 19 April 2008. Next, we custom cut some 2×3 fir to fill out the extra two inches from installing a door with 4″ jambs into a 6″ wall. I didn’t realize there were different size jambs on doors. Because the rough opening was not straight, we attempted to cut the jamb extenders such that they took up whatever extra space there was to fill. The table-saw didn’t work very well for that, as it kept binding while cutting at an angle. Finally we resorted to the jig saw to finish the cuts. They are a little rough, but we’ll bring up the orbital sander next trip and smooth them up. Finally, a drip edge was installed above the door....