Adding Outside Outlets
Adding Outside Outlets
by admin on Aug.02, 2009, under Electrical
Our trip at the end of July was not very productive. About 10 minutes before we got to Anvil Rock Road, there was a huge thunderstorm that left hail all over the ground. Later that afternoon, we got another pretty good storm at the ranch, so Friday was pretty well shot. We did hear a bunch of frogs or toads across the meadow in the wash and up at the little pond at Gunners Mate Road, so that was kind of cool. We brought the two grandsons along, as they really like running around the ranch exploring. I kind of stressed my bad knee while we were out hiking with them, so I didn’t feel much like working.
Anyway, we did get the four outside outlets installed… You can see that the sabre saw banged up the paint job pretty good, so we’ll have to touch that up this fall when it cools off a little.
Here is another shot, with the cover closed.
And finally, here is a shot that shows about how far we located them from the sides of the house. We wanted them a couple of feet in, so that when we add on decks or porches, they won’t be blocked by railings and such. Here is the same outlet cover closed. We got these from Home Depot. They are made of aluminum, and have a foam seal to keep water out of the outlet. The cover is spring loaded.
August 15th, 2009 on 8:24 pm
Hi Randy, I hope your Jeep is ok from The Hail
John in Salina KS right now.
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