Plumbing Maintenance


Plumbing Maintenance

by rdpecken on Oct.26, 2018, under Plumbing

Selfie at the Ranch

Tara & I made a trip up last fall (Oct 2017). While we were there, we noticed that when the outside faucets were turned on, they leaked from various places.

On the West end of the house, water would gush out of the anti-siphon valve on the top of the faucet. On the East end of the house, water would trickle out of the valve stem, near the handle.
Leak spots

We returned to Mesa, and attempted to find replacement parts. There were none to be found locally. I was looking for replacement anti-siphon valves and replacement o-rings for the valve stem (or packing bushing). I was not able to find anything that would fit.

I went on Ebay and found the correct anti-siphon valves. They were installed and worked well. But I was still unable to find the correct size rubber o-rings for the faucets. I even went so far as to buy another faucet (but not freeze proof) to see if the o-ring on that would fit, but it did not.

 Anti-Siphon Valves 

Valve Stem O-Ring
So I also tried to locate a frost-free valve in Mesa. I was pretty sure I bought the originals at Home Depot, but they didn’t have any in Mesa. I guess that makes sense, because we really don’t have freezing problems in the Phoenix area.

I guess I’ll have to order two new frost-free valves


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