Screen Door Repair and Other Maintenance


Screen Door Repair and Other Maintenance

by rdpecken on Jan.18, 2017, under Insulation, Plumbing, Ranch Maintenance

Sometime last year, the mice or birds chewed a hole through the screen on our screen door. We brought up some new screen and spline from Home Depot to make a repairs.

We started by removing the screen door from the frame. This involved adjusting the rollers on the bottom of the door for as little pressure as possible, the prying the door up and over the bumps which the rollers run on. We set the screen onto our floor to work on it. We started by locating the end of the spline, and pulling it out of the channel to release the screen material.

Removing the Spline

Then, we laid the new screen over the door, as square as we could get it, and started pressing the new spline into the channel to secure the screen material to the door, using a roller spline tool.

 Installing the new screen material

After trimming the screen around the edges, we reinstalled the door onto it’s tracks.

Repaired Door in Place

 Outside view

Later in the trip, I got out the old Ford tractor and ran it up and down the lane, to exercise it a bit before winter.  Before the exercise, I guessed on the amount of fuel in the tank, and added some diesel fuel stabilizer to the tank. This should help keep the fuel in good condition as it sits there through winter.

Fuel stabilizer

And finally, I applied another layer of insulation wrap around the water line feed to the LittleHouse. We have to do this every three or four years, as the wind and maybe varmints tear up the old insulation every once in a while.

New insulation on water pipe inlet.

Before leaving, we flushed out the water and added the RV water antifreeze to our lines, as we have every winter.

1 comment for this entry (from previous blog site):

Nice to see a new post. Maybe help there again. John


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