Building the Littlehouse Porch Roof


Building the Littlehouse Porch Roof

by rdpecken on Oct.16, 2011, under porch

We went up in mid-October to put a roof over the Littlehouse porch.

Littlehouse Porch Roof in progress

After a really late start on Friday, Oct 7th, we got up to a chilly Saturday morning to finally complete our roof install. It was about 27 degrees when we awoke, and the frost was melting off of the metal roof, and dripping down onto the deck. Brrr…

Frost on the porch

We started out by bolting some 4×4 posts upright, sitting on the beam beneath the porch.

Porch Posts bolted to frame

There are 7 posts, separated by 4 feet between each pair.

Porch Posts

Because we had to cut holes in the deck to put the posts down to the beam, we had to put some cripple studs under in some spots to support the deck boards where they were cut.

Cripple Studs

Once the posts were upright, our good neighbor Wayne K., and his wife Lisa stopped by to check on us.  Along with them was the other Wayne’s son, Shad, and his fiancee Jessica.  Wayne and Shad helped me lift the beam onto the posts, saving me a bunch of time.  Thanks!

Then we started placing the rafters from the house ledger board to the beam.

Rafters in place

Once the rafters were up, we put the plywood sheathing on top and nailed it down to the rafters.

Nailing Sheathing down

Once all of the sheathing was in place, we installed the roll underlayment on top.  It was a little difficult to get it under the overhang of the big roof, so I ended up using spray adhesive and relying on that to hold it into place in that area until we can get the metal roof installed over the top.

Roll Underlayment

Before we left, we winterized the pipes on the Littlehouse and the Shed for the winter.  Next trip will probably be in November, when I can install the hurricane clips to the roof, to help it withstand the high winds we get in the winter.

2 comments for this entry (from prior blog site):
  1. WB0WHO

    I wish I could have been there to help! I cant tell by the pictures, what Pitch in Degrees did you end up with? Maybe help again sometime!


  2. rdpecken

    We ended up with about 3 degrees of pitch. That’s about the same pitch our back porch in Mesa has. I think it will be OK, as we seldom get more than 1 foot of snow in a storm, and it typically melts within a day.


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