Ranch Visit 06/16/2011


Ranch Visit 06/16/2011

by rdpecken on Jun.28, 2011, under Seasons

I brought the two grandsons up to the ranch for a long weekend in mid-june.

While I was mostly working on an antenna, they had a lot of fun out riding their bikes all over.
They took several trips around the roads surrounding our ranch, making a loop of about 2-1/2 or 3 miles each time.
They really like going downhill, as Mesa doesn’t have much in the way of hills to ride bikes on.
Going uphill was tolerated, in order to go downhill.

Here they are posing by the tilt-over mount for the antenna we built…

Boys posing by antenna

And here they are helping to dig the postholes…


They built a bike ramp out of wood they borrowed from the scrap pile. Both seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, and they even returned all the wood to the pile when they were done.




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