A Rainy June Afternoon


A Rainy June Afternoon

by admin on Jul.01, 2009, under Seasons

My good friend, John, came down from Omaha to visit for Ham Radio Field Day.  We arrived on Friday afternoon, June 26th.  As we were starting to set up the antenna masts, a thunderstorm blew in and delayed our progress for an hour or so…

Black Mountain shrouded in fog

The rain was coming down pretty good for awhile.  We first took shelter under the shade tarp, and later ran to the LittleHouse for cover!

Rain coming down

Later that afternoon, we finished the antenna work and had a little time to explore…

Prickley Pear Blossom


We had one of our normal great sunsets that evening…


The next morning, we walked up on Gunner’s Mate Road, as I was showing John the property lines…

Roof of LittleHouse from Gunners Mate Road


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