Spring! It’s time to get busy again…


Spring! It’s time to get busy again…

by admin on Mar.24, 2009, under Trim & Paint

Finally, we were able to return to the Ranch after many months of winter abolishment.  The goal for this trip was to finish the installation of the trim, and to paint the LittleHouse.  As a backup plan, in case it was too cold to paint, we had picked up a good supply of electrical wire and outlet boxes to run on the inside.

When I left the place in November, we had not quite finished the exterior trim.  We had finished three sides, with only the south side remaining.

The north side, back of the house was left in this state…

Back of LittleHouse as left in November

We had covered the messy edges at the top of the East Gable, and trimmed out the window in the loft…

East Gable, as left in November

On the front of the LittleHouse, we had finished trimming the Kitchen Window…

Kitchen Window as left in November

And we ran out of trim after getting part of the Living Room Window finished.  This left the long horizontal piece across the front, the rest of the Living Room Window, and the top of the West Gable to trim out.

Living Room Window as left in November

Our next post will detail how we finished the trim, and started the painting.


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