Archive for October, 2008


Archive for October, 2008

October, 2008 Trip

by admin on Oct.31, 2008, under Trim & Paint

30 Oct 2008
I (Randy) made it up in mid-october for more trim work.

Unfortunately, I forgot to bring the camera, so pictures will have to wait until we return, probably next spring.

The weather was great, so I got a lot done.  We had gotten an early hard freeze in October, and I hadn’t winterized the shed water system yet.  There is no evidence of broken pipes, but something happened to the seals in the shower valve.  When I apply pressure, the shower dribbles even when it’s valve is turned off.  I'll have to bring some replacement parts up for the next trip.

I was able to finish the trim on the west end, including the “ugly” gable end.  It looks good now.  The north side is also trimmed out, and looks pretty good, too.

Our good neighbors up the hill, Wayne & Lisa, offered to let us use a couple pieces of trim they had left over, so I was able to save a little by using that for part of the front trim.  I got most of the front trim finished, but still ran out of trim before I could finish it off.

So hopefully our next trip will be the end of our trim work.  It will still be too cold to paint yet, so maybe we’ll get some interior electrical done before it warms up.


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