LittleHouse – More Exterior Trim


LittleHouse – More Exterior Trim

by admin on Sep.02, 2008, under Trim & Paint

31 Aug 2008
Exterior Trim
We made it back up over Labor Day. It was raining again when we arrived, so the first day was pretty much shot for working. We played with the Grandkids, instead.

The sun came out the next day, and we started the trim on the West side of the house.
We have two vertical pieces, and one horizontal piece over the butt joint where the two pieces of siding adjoin from the bottom and top.

For that joint, we looked for Z-channel to slip in between them for weatherproofing. The only stuff we found was for thicker siding, and wouldn't fit right for ours. So we used 30 year sealant at that joint, which is pretty good stuff. We had to take some off around the French Doors when we were re-doing the flashing, and it was stuck very well.

Anyway, we covered that joint with a horizontal trim piece, more for looks than anything. The top of this trim piece was also sealed with the silicone sealant. Hope it holds up over the years. We'll just have to watch it.

West Side Window Trim

31 Aug 2008
West Gable End
You can see what a poor job I did on the top of the Gable on the west end. We'll have to come up with a clever way to cover it all up. At least under the gable, there isn't much concern for moisture getting in.

Mess at gable

31 August 2008
Cutting the trim pieces
Here, Hunter gets a try at cutting a piece of trim, with help from Papa. (I know! he needs safety glasses. Bad Papa!)

Hunter at the Saw

31 Aug 2008
Cutting the Trim
Alex's turn at the saw.

Alex’s Turn

01 Sep 2008
Trim Installation
Here is the finished West side Trim.

West trim

01 Sep 2008
Trim Installation
Here is a close-up of the window trim on the west side.
We got invited over to Bruce & Lydia's place for a Labor Day Barbecue. And we ran out of trim, so the rest will have to wait!

West Window Trim


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