LittleHouse – Exterior Trim


LittleHouse – Exterior Trim

by admin on Aug.12, 2008, under Trim & Paint

Muddy Day
08 August 2008.
Just to explain the lack of progress on this trip, we arrived in the middle of a summer thunderstorm that had dumped quite a bit of rain on the ranch.

We made it through Markham Mudpit OK, and all the way to our driveway. That’s when things went horribly wrong.

Markham Wash Flowing

After going up the driveway a couple hundred yards, (carefully staying out of the ruts that were running with water), we had to veer across the drive to avoid trees in our path. The attempt to veer was futile, as the wheels of the trailer fell into the ruts, and the tongue of the trailer dug into the ground. This pulled the jeep right into the same ruts, and we became stuck, high centered on the suspension front and back.
We worked for 3 hours trying various ways to dig ourselves out, then we finally gave up and walked up to Bruce and Lidia’s place to beg for help.
Bruce came over with his truck, and being more careful than we were to stayed out of the ruts, was able to extract our jeep. The next day, Bruce came over and pulled out the trailer, as well.
It’s great to have good neighbors!

Anyway, we spent most of Saturday cleaning the inches of mud that had accumulated on the trim boards we had brought up (uncovered) in the trailer. So we only got about 3 hours of actual work done for the whole trip.

Siding Install
10 August 2008.

We put the first piece of trim on the Southwest corner of the house.

First Trim

South Trim
10 August 2008.

We had planned on using engineered deck planks for our trim, as we admire the weather resistance of that product. Unfortunately, we couldn’t locate any appropriate sizes for trim.

So instead, we went with this “Choice-Trim” from Lowes. It is an engineered wood product that claims longtivity, is absolutely straight and has a nice grain pattern.

I notice on a sticker on the back that it is produced by the “Tru-Wood” people.

Anyway, it looks pretty good.

South Trim

Trim Install
10 August 2008.

Here is a detail of the trim on the west side.
We took some 1x2s and butted them against the roof, to fill out the space under the horizontal boards that support the gable overhang.

Then we cut pieces of trim to cover the rough ends of the siding at the top and the edges.

West Side Trim

Trim Install
10 August 2008.

Once again, our past haste got the best of us. At the top of the gable, the trim is not quite wide enough to cover the edge of the trianglular piece of siding. We’ll have to fill that in with filler, and sand it smooth before painting.

Hopefully on the NEXT trip, we’ll have time to finish the trim and get some filling and painting done.

West Gable Trim


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