LittleHouse – Installing the Windows


LittleHouse – Installing the Windows

by admin on Nov.11, 2007, under Windows & Doors

Windows Install
05 – 11 November 2007.
So here is the opening we cut in the sheathing, with the housewrap folded in, and the 1/4″ spacers in place.
You can see where we taped the bottom edge, as well.


Windows Install
05 – 11 November 2007.
Step 7: Apply a 3/8″ bead of sealant around the inside surface of the nailing fin, close to the outer edge.

Applying the Sealant

Windows Install
05 – 11 November 2007.
Step 8: Nail the window in place, checking for level after the first two nails at the top.

Note that the top flap is still up, and will fold down over the top fin of the window, to keep water from flowing behind the fin.

Nail the Window in place

Windows Install
5 – 11 November, 2007.

Step 9: Tape the sides

Tape Window Sides

Windows Install
05 – 11 November 2007.

Step 10: Tape the top, under the flap.

Tape Window Top

Windows Install
05 – 11 November 2007.

Step 11: Fold down the flap and tape the corners.
On this step, we taped the top flap, as well.

Tape Window Corners


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