August 2007 at the Ranch


August 2007 at the Ranch

by admin on Aug.20, 2007, under Seasons

Shop Site
August 18th, 2007.
2007 has been a pretty good monsoon year up here. This is probably where we will put a shop at some point. It’s about 150 feet west of the big house site.

Shop Site

Purple Flowers
August 18th, 2007.
These were nice to come across.
Every year, we see something new. This year was the first time for these flowers, and the first time we saw dragonflys up here.


Looking East
August 18th, 2007.
The meadow has greened up nicely.

Looking East

Looking West
August 18th, 2007.
We even have some grass, rather than just weeds!

Looking West


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