More April at the Ranch
More April at the Ranch
by admin on Apr.27, 2007, under Seasons
Big White Flowers
April, 2005.
These were all over, too…
April, 2005.
Here’s a closer view…
Small Succulent
April, 2005
Tara thought these were pretty.
April, 2005.
This is a CloseUp of the Succulent
April 28, 2007.
This is a bug that landed on my hat. I don’t know what it is, but it looks kind of like a small mantis…
April 27, 2007.
I definitely know what kind of snake this is. He is about a 3-foot rattler.
He came by the little house site to protest all of the noise we were making.
Here is a video in MPG format.
It's hard to see the snake, but if you turn the sound up, you can clearly hear him. He is in the shady spot just to the right and down a little from the center of the picture.
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