The Buffalo Ranch down the road


The Buffalo Ranch down the road

by admin on May.30, 2006, under Area

26 May 2006
We heard that someone down south of us was raising Buffalo, so we set out to find them. They are down in the flats about 3 or 4 miles southwest of our place. Here is a view of the Buffalo Ranch.

Buffalo Ranch

Here are some of the Buffalo there. We think we see about six of them, but have heard that there are eleven total.

Some Buffalo

2 comments for this entry (from previous blog...):
  1. Howard Baughman

    I have 20 acres near Snowflake and would like any information you have about raising buffalo in Arizona

  2. admin

    Well, I don’t really know anything about raising buffalo in Arizona. This is just a post about the attempt down the road a bit from me. Last I heard, they had folded up and stopped raising buffalo there.


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