Yes, Sometimes it snows in March…
Yes, Sometimes it snows in March…
by admin on Mar.15, 2006, under Seasons
Markham Pass
March 12th, 2006.
Late Afternoon/Early Evening.
March is a month of transition. This year, we had a winter storm pass
through on March 10th – 12th. The lower elevations, like here, only got a
few inches, and most had melted by the evening of the 12th.
West along I-40
March 12th, 2006.
The sky was clearing in the west as we entered the Ranch.
Markham Pass
March 12th, 2006.
Markham Pass was frozen as we entered, so while it was a little slippery, at least we didn’t sink a foot into the mud
Turning East
March 12th, 2006.
As we turn east through the second gate on Markham Pass, we can see that
we are the only travelers on this road today. Not even cattle trails
North Mountain
March 13th, 2006.
We had about 8 inches of snow on top of the tent trailer last night when
we arrived. Since it had been melting all that day, I think we must
have gotten close to a foot of snow from this storm.
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