Shade Structures
Shade Structures
by admin on Aug.30, 2004, under Shade Structures
Shade Structures
There are a few basic things you need to be comfortable while building
at the ranch. One of the first things you need is some type of shade to
seek refuge in. Here is our solution to that problem.
Shade Canopy
We would like to build a permanent shade ramada for picnics and cookouts in the future.
With the little house permit in place, we decided that it would be best
for now to use a temporary shade structure. Our first attempt did
provide shade, but was way too flimsy to stand up to the winds we get
up here.
Shade Canopy2
This one is a little more sturdy.
It is 10′ x 20′ and is 6′-8″ at the sides. The tarp is held in place by
elastic cords with little balls on the end to make fastening/unfastening
easy. It also came with sides, but we think we will seldom use them.
Cost – $180 at Sams Club in Mesa.
Shade Damage
Here is what you get when you don’t stake it down with big enough hardware…
We had used 8″ tent stakes driven into the ground at 45 degree angles and tied to the frame with 1/4″ nylon rope.
A dust devil came right through camp and pulled all the stakes out like
they were in soft butter. There was some slight damage, but nothing that
couldn’t be straightened out. The tarp got torn on one edge, but at a
non-stressed point, so it won’t rip further.
Time for some jumbo stakes!
Shade Fixed
After straightening out the bent poles, we put the shade structure back together.
We got some 1/2″ rebar pieces and drove them into the ground. After
tying the frame to these with pieces of rope, the structure has stood up
to the strong winds that we sometimes get.
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