June at the Ranch


June at the Ranch

by admin on Jun.10, 2004, under Seasons

Warm days & Cool Nights
June is a great month to visit the ranch. Trees and bushes now have leaves, the stickers have not yet returned to the meadow, and the temperatures are mild. Wear long sleeves and pants, though… The gnats will drive you crazy this month. They go away after a few weeks, thankfully…

June 5th, 2004.
We were driving around Sierra Verde Ranch, doing some exploring when we came across these antelope about a mile from our place. It was in the 900 parcel number range. Please excuse the pixelation, as I didn’t have quite enough optical zoom on the camera…


June 5th, 2004.
While taking an early evening walk, we ran across these deer crossing Gunner’s Mate Road, just East of our Ranch.

Deer at Dusk on Gunners Mate Road

Processed Deer
June 5th, 2004.
We applied a little digital magic to this photo, to better bring out the deer in the low lighting.

Enhanced photo of Deer at Dusk

The South Mountain
June 5th, 2004.
Late Afternoon.
Here is another view of our south mountain in early June…

South Hill

Stick Bushes
June 6th, 2004.
Most of the year, these appear to be just dried up sticks poking out of the ground. We finally saw some leaves on them this trip!

Stick Bushes

Another Great Sunset
June 5th, 2004
This was taken from Gunners Mate Road, on the East side of our Ranch.

Another Great Sunset

More Sunset
June 5th, 2004.
Early Evening.
I kind of zoomed in on the butte in the distance here…

More Sunsets

June 16th, 2007.
The locusts are really thick this year.
Here is one emerging from his shell.



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