Septic Groundbreaking


Septic Groundbreaking

by admin on Mar.27, 2004, under Septic System

On March 10th, Kevin called to let us know they could do the perk test on the following Monday. To prepare for them, we went up that weekend to mark the foundation lines for the proposed house(s).

Little House Plot

Kevin & Doug showed up with the backhoe on Monday, March 15th 2004 as planned (nice to have a contractor show up when they say they will!). They dug 4 test holes and ran perc test. Turns out we have pretty good soil for the septic there. Easy digging, and perc’d at 8 (I guess that’s minutes per inch of water absorption?).
We are sizing for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath installation, assuming a perc of 10 (for some leeway). We will be using the Eliminator chambers, so we need 2 ditches, 3 feet wide, 63 feet long each. Turns out to be about 20 chambers.

Perc – Test

Kevin turned in the permit paperwork later that week. The next week (March 23rd), Doug called to ask if we wanted to start installation over the weekend. There wern’t any indications of permit problems, so we agreed. We learned from Kevin on Saturday, however that our permit had been “red-tagged” by the flood control people. It seems that their maps showed our whole meadow as a flood zone. Both Kevin & Doug said it didn’t make sense, but rather than fight the bureaucracy, we agreed to run the leech field in the East/West direction, rather than North/South. The flood control people told Kevin that if we did that, they would release their hold on the permit.

Backhoe Ready to Work

Having somewhat obtained verbal approval of the permit, we decided to go ahead and install the system, rather than waste the time of everyone who had showed up on Saturday. We’re kind of sweating whether something else will come up and bite us, after making this big commitment, but life is always a gamble. Doug already had the septic tank in…

Septic Tank in place

Here is the documentation for the septic tank. It is a 1000 gallon concrete tank.

Septic Tank Specifications


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