More March Ranch Life


More March Ranch Life

by admin on Mar.20, 2004, under Seasons

“Little House”
March 13th, 2004.
Late Afternoon/Early Evening.
This is the “little_house” site on a cool spring day.

Little House Site in March


Well #5
March 14th, 2004.
Well #5 is on the road (recently named Markham Valley Road) about 1/2 mile from our Ranch, in the basin. You can see that Tara was a little chilly in the morning here.

Tara at Well No. 5 in March

North Hill
March 13th, 2004.
This is on the hill which is on the north side of the Ranch, across the wash from our little house site. You can see the prickly pear cactus prefer the south-facing slope of this hill.

Tara Hiking in March

March 13th, 2004.
The Hills on the north and south side of the property consists mostly of limestone. Randy always enjoys a nice, shady spot, and here is one on the north hill.

Randy sitting on Limestone in March

North Hill
March 13th, 2004.
Here, Tara enjoys the nice limestone outcropping on the north hill. Again, the prickly pear cactus like the southern exposure.

Tara on a Limestone Outcropping


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