March Ranch Life
March Ranch Life
by admin on Mar.20, 2004, under Seasons
Chilly nights and mild days
Yes, the wind blows in March. It’s not too bad though, and is actually
very comfortable for working outside during the day. It calms down at
night. Daytime temperatures are very pleasant, while nighttime
temperatures are a little chilly. Double sleeping bags are appropriate,
if you are camping.
Western Skies
March 13th, 2004.
Late Afternoon/Early Evening.
The view is from our “big house” site, looking to the west. This site is
sheltered on the west, north and east by trees and hills, and is open to the south. This is what the view to the west will be from our front porch.
Hedgehog Cactus
March 13th, 2004.
This cactus is pretty common on the south-facing slope of the hills on
our property. It’s a little too early for blooms, but it appears to be a
variety of the Clarett’s Cup cactus.
Southeast View
March 13th, 2004.
Late Afternoon.
Black Mountain is the focal point of our view to the southeast from the future front porch of our big house site.
South View
March 13th, 2004.
Late Afternoon.
Looking across the meadow at the hill on the south side of the Ranch from the big house site.
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