October 2003 at the Ranch


October 2003 at the Ranch

by admin on Oct.18, 2003, under Seasons

Cool nights and warm days
With just a little nippy temperatures in the morning, fall is a great time to be at the ranch. The days warm up really nice, and the sunshine is plentiful.

October 18th, 2003.
Our campsite is located on the “Little House” site. The black object to the right is our solar shower. You sit it in the sunlight, and the water gets hot.


Eastern Sunrise
October 18th, 2003.
The sun rises over the left edge of Black Mountain this time of year.

View to the East

North Side
October 18th, 2003.
Looking across the location of the leach field (put in after this picture) to the “Big House” site behind the two trees in the foreground.

View to the North

North View
October 18th, 2003.
This is the North hill, about halfway down to the west side of the property.

North Mountain


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