The Search for a New Beginning
The Search for a New Beginning
by admin on Jun.29, 2003, under Land Search
The process began on Memorial Day Weekend, 2003, when we decided that we would like to find some rural land to use for summer vacationing and eventual retirement…
With our interests peaked, we contacted the
First United Realty agent in Seligman, to set an appointment for looking
at parcels. We set a date for Memorial Day Weekend, giving us a week or
so to do some research.
We did a little research at Weather Underground ,
and discovered that the Seligman area has some of the most moderate
climate in the state. Average Highs are in the low 90’s, with Average
Lows in the 50’s for the hottest summer months.
We compared these with many other areas of the state, using WeatherBase, and the Seligman area consistently topped the list for reasonable year-round temperatures.
The first parcel we saw was the one which we would eventually buy. We wern’t that impressed at the first sight of it, as the lower end of the property had various scrubby cactus-like shrubs. But the agent asked us to keep it in mind.
The agent showed us several other parcels. They were all pretty much in the rough, vertical country. Because of the views from the high parcels, they listed for a price out of our range anyway. The picture below is of a lot which had a view all the way to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Unfortunately, it also had a busy set of train tracks nearby to make noise at all hours.
Armed with a map and a list of properties, we headed down to Willow Creek Ranch. Many of the properties there were truly spectacular, but we couldn’t help notice that the temperature was substantially warmer at the lower elevation. We decided that Willow Creek would not be comfortable enough in the summer months
We decided to return to the first lot, because it had the good mixture of trees and open space that we were looking for. Seeing the lot in the evening really showed its beautiful potential.
And this is what finally sold us on it!
What a sunset…
December 30th, 2008 on 3:12 pm
hey gang,
Nice site. The previous site had a ton more information, is it still available online? Please drop us an email, we are interested in a parcel near yours and would like to ask you some questions if you don’t mind. Thanks. Rhino
December 30th, 2008 on 5:08 pm
Hi Rhino. Thanks for the complement…
The old site is not online, I couldn’t figure out how to leave it up and get the blog going under the same domain name.
But I am adding posts that contain the same info as the old website. It will probably take me a couple of weeks to get all of the content ported over, but it will be much easier to navigate and maintain when I get to that point.
I also haven’t figured out how to get the RSS button at the top to work yet, but that should eventually allow you to subscribe to the site and be notified when changes are posted.
Check back again, and enjoy!