May Life at the Ranch…


May Life at the Ranch…

by admin on May.30, 2003, under Seasons

Cool nights and warm days
What a great time of year to be visiting Juniper Valley Ranch. Flowers and cactus are in bloom, grass is green, sunsets are out of this world beautiful. The temperature drops immediately after sunset to make for a very pleasant evening.

Gunner’s Mate Road
May 24th, 2003.
Late Afternoon/Early Evening.
Here is the recently named “Gunner’s Mate Road”, which borders the Ranch’s northeast corner.

Gunners Mate Road

East Property Line
May 24thth, 2003.
The east side of the Ranch faces Black Mountain and it’s associated foothills.

Property Line East

Looking East
May 24th, 2003.
Late Morning/Early Afternoon.
A view from the western edge of the Ranch, looking East. The lower end (here) of the property is kind of scrubby, with more trees and grass on the far (upper) end.

Looking East from Western Edge

South View
May 24th, 2003.
Late Afternoon.
Looking across the meadow at the hill on the south side of the Ranch from the northeast corner.

Northeast Corner

“Hedgehog Cactus”
May 24th, 2003.
Here is another Hedgehog cactus. This one is in bloom. You can tell it’s a Clarrett’s Cup because they are the only ones with red flowers.

Hedgehog Cactus

Cactus Blossom
May 24th, 2003.
Another cactus which we have not identified yet. But it is very pretty!



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